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Dubai, January 27, 2025: For the third year in a row, we were part of the German Pavilion at Arab Health— by now, the trade show almost has a dedicated German hall, featuring companies from all federal states. And Neoscan? Right in the middle of it all! Why do we, as a startup, invest in such a trade show presence? Simple: we’re growing—not just at our headquarters in Magdeburg, but especially on an international scale. Arab Health is the perfect platform to connect with distributors from around the globe. With representatives from over 180 countries on site, some are particularly exciting for us. In just a few days, we’ve built valuable connections, gained insights into market opportunities and regulatory requirements, and expanded our network. The bottom line? The trip was absolutely worth it—and with the knowledge and partnerships we’ve gained, we’re ready for the next steps ahead!

Press Releases

May 15th, 2024 | Press Release

Economics Minister Sven Schulze congratulates: "I have had the opportunity to observe how business and science have worked hand in hand for success, achieving significant milestones in Magdeburg."


‘Germany - Land of Ideas’ is awarding the VORSPRUNG business prize for the fifth time.

14th - 15th March, 2025

H4 Hotel Alexanderplatz
Berlin, Germany
10th - 15th May, 2025

Booth: F32 / Hawaiʻi Convention Center
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Welcome to New Answers in MRI

A hotline to innovations

The Echtzeit Magazine Saxony-Anhalt takes a closer look at our pediatric MRI neo315. Get an impression, wrapped up in just 40 seconds!

Building the strongest MRI magnet

We are all set and ready to build the magnet for a groundbreaking 14T MRI system - the first of its kind!​

Watch the teaser video here.

A glimpse into our company

We work together with the Otto-von-Guericke-University in Magdeburg and especially with the research campus STIMULATE. Have a look into the laboratories, offices, and production halls of Neoscan Solutions and the Research Campus STIMULATE.

Our First MR Imaging

As a young medical startup, every milestone achieved feels indescribable. Here you can see the test run in which we captured our first MRI image of a watermelon.

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